Saturday, February 4, 2012

How Long Does Pot Show Up on a Drug Test?

How Long Does Pot Show Up on a Drug Test?-Test

A few puffs on a joint may keep you high for a merge of hours maximum, but how long does pot show up on a drug test? That merge of hours smoking pot can in fact be detected in the body for weeks after, especially if you are a heavy user of marijuana.


Tetrahydrocannabinol or Thc - enters the bloodstream swiftly while smoking marijuana, and even if marijuana is eaten rather than smoked, it may take longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream, but still remains in the body long after. Although it is not stored in the blood, Thc is stored in body tissue and fat and can only be eliminated from the body via the urine and feces. Hence drug tests for marijuana are all the time urine tests not blood tests.

If you think you can fool a marijuana screening test, think again. Although there are any whole of herbal teas and products offered for sale that supposedly help marijuana users to pass a drug test, none of them work. They all say they clean the ideas of marijuana, which if it involves drinking gallons of herbal teas or liquids as part of the cleanse, yes, to a minor extent they will help, but drinking commonplace water would also serve the same purpose. Many of these cleanses propose you take them over a whole of days, in which case the body would have eliminated some of the Thc from the body anyway.

There are very few "false positive" results from urine tests for marijuana because the test involves two procedures, ending with a gas chromatograph test.

Some people try to beat the ideas by adding things to the urine, but labs are well aware of the use of eye drops, bleach and salt, often used to adulterate the urine. The only way to pass a drug test is by using the urine of man who doesn't use marijuana or any kind of drugs, and good luck trying to get that into a testing facility!

Most companies have workplace policies that comprise employment after the satisfactory submission of a drug screening test. There's no way nearby it. If you want to get a good job and quit lying nearby on the sofa and getting high, the only thing you can do is stop smoking marijuana. If you are a heavy user, don't expect to look for a job interview within the next merge of months.

So how long does pot show up on a drug test? It can be up to any weeks.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The benefit of studying Test Taking Skills

The benefit of studying Test Taking Skills-Test

For students everywhere, taking tests can supervene in a great deal of anxiety and stress. Even in situations where a trainee enjoys the subject and has studied well, an approaching test can supervene in nervousness. One way to alleviate some of that stress and angst is to realize that there is an art to taking tests, and spending some time studying how to "test better," can be time well spent.


Most instructors will have a format for their tests that they prefer. For instance, some use many selection or short answer, and some instructors prefer essays. Knowing that piece of data alone can growth your readiness for the test because dissimilar types of tests are taken differently, and prepared for differently. This is a factor of a student's test taking skills that they can get ready for in advance.

Another unique aspect of test taking skills is how a trainee manages their time while the test. As most tests are timed, students need to understand how to take advantage of the types of questions within the allotted time, and test taking courses can help get ready students for this and for the maximum chance to shine on the test itself. Some questions are best left towards the end of the test and some are best answered first. Knowing the difference, and using a law to ensure that you have time for getting to all of the questions, makes a big difference.

Some tests will unmistakably supply the answers themselves if you know what to look for. This is another aspect of making ready a trainee for test taking. When testing, it's not uncommon for the student's mind to "go blank," but tests give pointers and triggers to some of the answers. These triggers will allow students to recall those things that they know, but may have temporarily forgotten.

A good test prep course will help students in all of these areas, and more. Clearly, when a trainee takes the time to refine their test taking skills, then they are expanding the possible for higher scores, but also working to eliminate pre-test stress. Both of those are excellent reasons for students to spend the time in a course that best prepares and increases their test taking skills.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Monday, January 30, 2012

study - The Fallacy of Teaching to the Test

study - The Fallacy of Teaching to the Test-Test

With the passage of the No Child Left Behind Law, each state is required to set their own carrying out benchmarks and straight through a series of tests compare the academic improvement of all students to ensure accountability for the billions of dollars being invested within the American collective schooling system. One of the most repeated arguments is that this law or any accountability law mandates teachers to teach to the test and that teaching to the test is wrong.


From a performance improvement perspective, teaching to the test is 100% as a matter of fact correct. One of the best examples is the thousands of citizens in every state study who study to pass the state's driving test to earn a driver's license. The state driver's test is to decree the applicant's knowledge of the laws pertaining to operating a motorized vehicle. Each demand on the test can be found within the approved state driver's manual. High schools to commercial driving schools instruct their students based upon the data within the manual. If these instructors did not teach to the data within their state manuals, their students would not pass the state's exam. These teachers must teach to the test.

The real problem arises when students who have not mastered previously taught concepts are forced to play "catch up" within a very short time frame. This is where, I believe, this fallacy of teaching to the test originated. This type of testing is as a matter of fact a symptom of a greater problem, lack of mastery.

During the last 5 years, I have surveyed over 500 teachers and 98% agreed that this is how studying works in the classroom:

  • Read It
  • Learn It
  • Test It
  • Forget It
  • Proceed to Next Lesson
  • Repeat Process

This process is all about the acquisition of knowledge and not truly about performance - the application of knowledge.

Performance comes in varied stages from wee to mastery. Within the American collective education, mastery, in all honesty, is not the desired end follow for many teachers and students. If mastery was the desired end result, we would not have teachers who are not very qualified, collective promotion along with the many other programs that reduce mastery for issues of self-esteem, etc. Nor would we continue to have an agrian school structure. Did you know that today's students spend less time in the classroom than students of 50 years ago even though data is doubling every year?

If we truly want to heighten collective education, which is one of the best explanations why America rose to be a super power, then we must revamp the structure of collective schooling to reflect a 21st Century carrying out driven society. In the meanwhile, collective schooling must begin to manufacture the desire for young citizen especially to come to be self-directed learners who demonstrate leadership skills by mastering key concepts essential for their success. This solution would seem much more logical; align to the desired end results; avoid the blame game; eliminate wasted tax dollars and get to the carrying out results in real time.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Troubleshooting Computer frost (Lockup) Problems

Troubleshooting Computer frost (Lockup) Problems-Test

How well-known does the following sound? Your computer was working fine, but then suddenly started locking up (aka hanging or freezing), rebooting itself (crashing) or shutting down spontaneously? If you know only too well what I am talking about, then read on! Performing the easy steps below can fix the majority of lockup cases.


1. Check for recently installed software or hardware.

If the lockups started to happen after you installed a new peace of hardware, new software program, or new drivers, uninstall it and see if the qoute goes away.

2. Run your antivirus program.

One of the first things to do in the case of sudden lockups is to run your antivirus program. Check your antivirus manufacturer's website for updates and newest virus definition files. (This is absolutely necessary, outdated antivirus is not going to be of any use!) If you don't have antivirus software installed - or if updates are unavailable - run one of the web-based antivirus scans that some major antivirus vendors like Trend Micro are offering for free. You can find a whole list of ready web-based scans and free antivirus programs on

3. Run some good spyware dismissal tool.

If your motor is not infected with any viruses, it is still potential that it has some harmful adware or spyware is present. Download and run some good spyware dismissal tool such as AdAware or Microsoft AntiSpyware. Check for a list of free spyware dismissal applications.

4. Check for free hard drive space.

When no viruses are found, check out free hard drive space on drive C:. Make sure there is more than 20% of free space available; low disk space can lead to random lockups.

5. Check for overheating.

Overheating is another known cause of lockups. It can be caused by problems with fans inside the case, dust buildup, or other cooling problems. Make sure the power furnish fan and Cpu fan are running and free of dust buildup. You can check the temperatures inside the case by running Motherboard monitor
- make sure the temperatures are within the preset limits. Be very true while cleaning inside the computer case (use plastic vacuum crevice tool) and Never Open The Power furnish Case as it contains high voltage.

6. Check the hard disk.

Check the hard disk - it is potential that its logical buildings is corrupted. To check the disk for errors, right-click on the disk C: icon in "My Computer", go for the "Tools" tab, check all check boxes in the "Check disk options" field, and press the "Check now" button. It should ask whether you want to program the check next time you restart your computer - acknowledge "Yes" and restart your Pc. The check will be performed automatically after startup; it can take a while, so be patient. The program will attempt to fix some problems automatically - however, if the hard disk is failing physically, it will need to be replaced. It is also a good idea to run Disk Defragmenter (located in Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > law Tools) to optimize data placement on the hard disk for increased carrying out and reliability.

7. Check the memory.

Sometimes random lockups can be attributed to the computer memory (Ram) beginning to fail. You can test the memory by running Windows Memory Diagnostic that can be downloaded from If memory problems are found, try re-seating the Ram (pull it out and plug it back in). If it doesn't work, replace the defective Ram.

8. Check for other hardware problems (advanced users).

More hardware-related problems can be diagnosed by running hardware tests from the greatest Boot Cd that can be downloaded from However, you should only use it if you know what are you doing - some programs on that Cd can be dangerous when used inappropriately (for example, some of them can wipe the contents of your hard disk).

9. Update Windows and drivers.

Some lockups can be caused by outdated software components - Update your windows and drives by running a windows update: (it's good idea to run it regularly).

The above steps will help diagnose and eliminate the most base causes of lockups. Hundreds more of other potential scenarios need to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, as it all goes down to your singular computer configuration. Request on Pc
troubleshooting forums/newsgroups
should help you figure out solutions to not-so-obvious lockup cases.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is the average Reading Speed and the Best Rate of Reading?

What is the average Reading Speed and the Best Rate of Reading?-Test

The average reading speed of a child in primary school is around 200 words per diminutive (wpm). By the time we reach adulthood, it hasn't improved very much, as, on average, most adults read at a rate of about 200 - 250 wpm. While comprehension at this rate is considered reasonable, at 250 wpm it will be difficult to read large amounts of facts in a short duration of time.


Certain individuals claim to read at speeds of 10 000 wpm or even 25 000 wpm and say they are still able to understand all they have read. Even though rates like this may be achieved by these exceptional individuals, a speed of 1000 - 1200 wpm is the rate at which contestants read at the World Championship speed reading competitions. Therefore, if your average reading speed comes anywhere near this rate, you can think yourself doing fantastically well. Do not feel that you need to reach championship levels in order to achieve your studying and reading goals. It is up to each and every personel to determine how far to push the speed limits!

For a person concerned in increasing his abilities, a goal of 500 - 800 wpm is an exquisite target. At this rate it is inherent to get through large quantities of work in a short time and say a comprehension level of about 75% or more. This is an exquisite level of comprehension and probably more than sufficient for any of your required purposes. Compare this to the average reading rate of adults (200 - 250 wpm), where their comprehension level is only half or slightly more of the material they have read.

800 - 1000 wpm would be an outstanding achievement. In order to have reached this level, an personel may have invested in an exquisite speed reading policy and practiced speed drills. Believe it or not, comprehension at this level is also outstanding, reaching levels of 100% or very close to 100%.

Results of 100 - 200 wpm is considered a basic reading rate. In adult terms this is a below average speed, but for children in the middle of the ages of 6 and 12, it may be considered as average. Only low levels of comprehension are achieved at this rate. An adult who reads at this pace will be amazed at what some of the straightforward techniques will do for his reading speed. Reading at any pace below 100 wpm will probably be read by person who is still studying to read or possibly by person who is reading in a second or third language. At this rate comprehension will be difficult.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sensa Reviews and Sensa Scam

Sensa Reviews and Sensa Scam-Test

Sensa is a weight loss supplement that has garnered much media attention. It is a diet supplement that you sprinkle on to all the foods you eat, which helps to overcome your biological desire to overeat by using your senses of smell and taste. When this happens, you will plainly eat less, and consume less calories foremost to weight loss. However, for individuals with diminished or no sense of taste or smell, Sensa will not work.


Dr. Hirsch, the inventor of sense, claims that the weight loss effectiveness of Sensa is supported by a clinical trial interesting 1436 men and women. In the 6 months test period, the participants that used Sensa achieved a 30.5 pound mean weight loss, and the operate group experienced a 2 pound weight loss. This may sound exceptional, however, it brings into request the validity of their claimed "clinical study".

Sensa Scam - Does it Work?

In a news segment broadcast by Abc News, the validity of the Sensa clinical trial was brought in to serious questioning. On that news segment, Dr. Hirsch was shown saying that the sense clinical trial was "Peer reviewed"; however, Abc News later uncovered that the Endocrine community stated that "it would be incorrect to spin Dr. Hirsch's study as having been rigorously peer reviewed by the Endocrine Society". In the scientific community, for a clinical study to hold any weight, it must be a peer reviewed study, meaning that it must be examined and reviewed by other experts in the same field. However, it is apparent that the Sensa study is not peer reviewed, although Dr. Hirsch claims otherwise.

What's more revealing is that the Endocrine community went on to say that "they were surprised and troubled by the promotional nature of his presentation". Obviously, the Sensa presentation Dr. Hirsch made was more promotional than anyone else. Dr. Pamela Peeke who also appeared on the Abc News segment said that: "There's no magic bullet, and there's no magic sprinkle."

So is Sensa honestly a weight loss scam?

That's not honestly for us to decide, so we'll let the users of Sensa to settle for themselves. The Sensa diet aid has appeared on numerous news reports, with some reporting users having safe bet weight loss results so far. However, I still remain skeptical about its effectiveness, and at a cost of Usd for a one month supply, it is assuredly not cheap. For about half the cost of Sensa you can purchase a weight loss agenda that's proven to work such as the Fat Loss for Idiots diet program.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Scalp Infections - Symptoms, Causes & Natural Options For Fast Relief & medicine

There are many definitions and symptoms generally described as "scalp infections". There are in fact quite a few quite separate reasons why your scalp may be sore, itchy, inflamed burning red or infected. If you are like many people with persisting scalp issues - it may be driving you wholly up the wall and not knowing what it is or how to treat the question effectively after many unsuccessful attempts to eliminate it can make it seem far worse - like you are never going to get to the bottom of the problem. Well that need no longer be so! It can be straightforward to diagnose and treat it now and for good.

So if you are dealing with any of these symptoms lets first identify the question and then some of the basic causes.

Firstly, if you want to get to the root of your problems, so to speak, you need to be able to identify what your question positively is. Of course, many scalp infections & conditions look alike, so here is a brief article of some of the most tasteless scalp conditions:

  • Red Burning Itchy Scalp

  • Dandruff

  • Ringworm

  • Dry Scalp

  • Scalp Dermatitis

  • Eczema of the Scalp

  • Scalp Psoriasis

  • Folliculitis

  • Stress associated Itching
  • Red burning itchy scalp can be characterized as any tingling,burning, prickly, and sensitive to the touch or a fiery hot sensation. Often associated with an allergy, sunburn, chemical burn (sensitization of the scalp),or fungal infection.

    Dandruff as most of us know is the process of continual shedding of skin cells on our scalps. Often the cause of dandruff is simply the supervene of toxins, pollutants and products that have built up on the scalp particularly products like silicone- a cheap generally used artificial shine enhancer in conditioners sold in supermarkets.

    When the natural balance of our scalps is disturbed, this creates the perfect environment for the yeast fungus Melassezia Globbosa to move in and thrive. This is when the natural process of shedding our cells gets a diminutive out of hand resulting in an unsightly condition known as "Seborrhoeic Dermatitis" (fancy name for dandruff) and we see the highly graphic tell-tale signs of flaking and crusting.

    The accompanying itch and urge to scratch are often made worse by the multiplication of the fungal yeast pityrosporum-ovale (having one big party on your scalp). someone else supervene on supervene of this is that the relentless scratching by the sufferer can cause small lesions which weep and ooze or come to be infected resulting in scalp infections.

    Lumps bumps and sores are also tasteless when the scalp is highly irritated or sensitivity has been aggravated. Candida can be an basic cause of yeast infections of the scalp.

    Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitols) is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. Scalp ringworm is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. Ringworm infection occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies in any place on your skin, scalp, or nails. It is far more tasteless in children and symptoms contain red, itchy patches on the scalp, leaving bald areas. The skin might itch and be red and peel or be scaly, have swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) and looks like black dots. The rash is highly contagious. It is usually treated with over the counter products containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or similar. Sometimes designate anti fungal skin medications, such as ketoconazole are needed to clear it up. There are also products direct from nature's factories that can aid the curative process and act as natural antibiotics, although it must be said that ringworm is an aggressive fungus which needs to be monitored intimately and treated accordingly.

    Dry scalp can feel "tight", a sensation that is sometimes accompanied by flakiness. It is often the supervene of natural oils being stripped from our scalps by the frequent use of shampoos, hair dyes and or other hair products.

    Dermatitis of the scalp (Seborrheic dermatitis) is an inflammatory disorder affecting areas of the head and body where sebaceous glands are most prominent. It can vary from mild dandruff to dense flakey and greasy scale. Once again it is often an accumulation of toxins and products built up on our scalps that our body is trying to rid itself of.

    Eczema of the scalp similar in appearance to Seborrheic dermatitis but instead has the name Atopic dermatitis.

    Scalp Psoriasis generally occurs on the back of the head any way multiple areas of the scalp or the whole scalp may be affected. Scalp psoriasis is characterized by thick silvery white scales on patches of very red skin and can enlarge slightly beyond the hairline. Scalp psoriasis, despite being partially underground by the hair is often a source of group embarrassment due to flaking of the scale and severe 'dandruff'. Scalp psoriasis may be highly itchy or on opening have no itch symptoms. It can also cause temporary baldness on the affected areas. It is a common, chronic, inflammatory skin disease and is associated with increased risk of melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma.

    Folliculitis of the scalp is a superficial bacterial infection of the hair follicles. It is characterized by pustules around the hair follicles and symptoms contain painful brushing of hair and tenderness when rubbing your scalp around the hair follicle sites. Treating with antibiotics for the particular bacteria is the usual policy of performance but can at last cause resistance to the antibiotic used. Options contain applying Evoclin Foam which is topical. Folliculitis is generally caused by staph bacteria which also reside inside the nose and sinus cavity. Natural oils such as tea tree and lavender have good antibacterial properties and can also be used to treat this condition.

    If you have a bump or lump under the skin (commonly a lump behind the ears with no broken skin or rash developing, then this could be a cyst. Cysts are liquid filled pustules which can be painful when they come to be infected. If you have such symptoms I suggest looking a doctor to be safe. Doctors can also treat cysts with antibiotics if they have come to be infected or incise them as a supplementary but uncommon policy if the antibiotics are not sufficient.

    Stress associated Itching Stress can contribute to or worsen scalp itching as it plays havoc with our immune ideas and hormones which have an supervene on yield of sebum from your sebaceous glands. Although it can contribute to the question it is still somewhat of a myth. It may appear that you have a"stress rash", but it is more likely that the question was already there in a less noticeable way, then aggravated by increased stress levels development it harder for your body to deal with the question on its own and eliminate the problem. Many of the treatments below contain stress relieving properties - like Lavender oil for example which calms the mind and soothes the body.

    Solutions - what You can do about it

    Going to your doctor may be the best way to get an literal, reply to diagnosing your problem, but I understand that many of you may have already done this, been prescribed some form of medication of cream (even "heavy duty" cortisone based ones where the cortisone potency may need to be increased after time).

    Often the question whether doesn't go away from the start - or seems to subside but comes back with full a vengeance later leaving you wondering with more unanswered questions and a Very unhappy scalp! Well the good news is if you don't like using these expensive and often impotent products- or even want to help them along you can use natural remedies and necessary oils known to be super productive anti-bacterial busters such as tea tree oil for instance to inhibit or stop the increase of the infection and support healing/re balancing of the scalp.

    Something that is also foremost to understand in curing scalp conditions and scalp infections - a factor that is missed by so many doctors, and something not disclosed by fellowships who sell hair products and treatments is the amount of people who are allergic or sensitive to generally used ingredients in shampoos, dandruff treatments and other hair products. In fact Most hair products (as many as 90%) contain at least one ingredient that is used in motor degreasers, someone else is a tasteless ingredient in antifreeze.

    These ingredients are cheap to produce foaming agents that make shampoo foam up, and do a remarkable job of stripping dirt and oily build up from hair. question is that they sometimes do Such a good job that they take off all of the natural oils and sebum from the scalp thus removing the scalps natural against bacteria etc. someone else diminutive known fact is that the most tasteless ingredient (Sodium laureth sulphate) is used to induce skin irritation in test patients by drug fellowships to test the effectiveness of their itch relief skin creams. When first produced and for year's afterwards manufacturers did not know that skin was not a wall but an absorber of ingredients & that they caused skin irritation in so many people.

    So sometimes the beginning of a scalp condition can have originated from something as straightforward as an imbalance to the skins (scalps) sebum or an allergy to an ingredient that can positively be rectified.

    Like your immune system, if your skin has an opening to rebalance itself and not be subjected to "incoming foreign matter" and the daily stripping of its natural oils that supplementary aggravates the question you can allow your body to re balance and heal itself. Obviously buying products that do not strip your hair and scalp is an distinct step in the right direction.

    Fortunately there are a lot of manufacturers such as Aveda and Akin (Purist Company) who know what consumers are suffering from these issues so have addressed this problem. They have applied this knowledge to produce some remarkable products with all of the benefits of natural ingredients, with none of the side effects at a price we can afford (Akin especially). It need not be difficult, nor expensive to make these choices and a move to salutary hair and scalp long term.

    So yes you can eliminate harsh shampoos containing sodium sulphates and go for natural Sulphate and paraben free shampoos that contain ingredients such as macadamia, wheat germ or jojoba oils. These oils mimic our natural sebum to some extent to help to re moisturize and nourish our scalp.

    Then there are lavender, rosemary and tea tree oils which contain antibacterial, curative properties. Neem oil great for its antiquing and stops itching. You can apply these topically to your skin for fast relief, to support curative as well as looking out for shampoos with these natural ingredients in them.

    Lavender calms the skin (as does chamomile tea cooled and used as hair rinse).
    As well as buying capability shampoos containing these ingredients, you can
    create your own combinations of remedy or remedies to soothe your scalp.
    You can also help it along by using natural remedies to treat your scalp such as this scalp rehabilitation containing natural oils to support healing, detoxify and stimulate hair growth: (Add to
    water (4 parts water 1part oil) and spray onto scalp and you can add to your shampoo and conditioners also).

    Oils To ease Itching: Lavender, German Chamomile and Eucalyptus Oils
    (Mixed together and dabbed locally on effected areas has a soothing effect).

    Neem oil is also a very good dandruff preventative which can be added to any of the formulas detailed below and is perfect for psoriasis and eczema & scalp infections.

    Scalp massage with lavender oil (not scented - the real oil) is another
    wonderful way to ease the tension from a sore scalp as well as treat the
    issue. It also helps to re grow hair and mend the damage done to your
    follicles by chemicals in shampoos causing thinning hair. (Lavender is known to stimulate hair increase too).

    There are many more superior scalp remedies you can use to treat your scalp as well as many shampoos that are perfect value, contain no nasties to aggravate your scalp and hair follicles. It can be positively straightforward to treat scalp problems by treating yourself to your own pampering session using natural oils to help heal your scalp infection. And then be kind to your hair and scalp by using only products that nourish your hair and scalp such as Aveda or Akin brand shampoos. You can support the curative process and help restore balance back to your scalp and you hair will appreciate and bonus you for it too by becoming less brittle, stronger and shinier.
    As with all natural remedies please patch test first. It is not intended for this facts to replace a doctors curative advice, so please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The accountability of obtaining doctors diagnosis and using remedies is yours.

    Friday, January 20, 2012

    Men's health - Penis Hardness Factor Self Test

    Want a best body, best sex and best full, health? Do your self " Penis hardness" test! Your penis is your barometer to your health. When your erection is hard steel, a rock hard - your life is good. The harder your erection, the healthier you are.

    The researchers have made some leading facts and links in the middle of your sexual activities with your health. If your blood vessels are elastic and healthy, your heart and brain will function well and have not mystery in releasing nitric oxide thus your penis will hard like rock. Once you understand that your erection and health are connected, you shall start to take care of yourself.

    Your penis erection is an early warning sign like the canary birds in coal mine that warn the unseen danger. When atherosclerosis develops, it starts to clog up in your tiny vessels found in your penis long before it shows up in coronary arteries of the heart and other blood vessels in your body. This is a serious warning and indicator of cardiovascular qoute that may be developing.

    To rule your possible of heart and forestall erection problem, Steven Lamm, M.D. With Gerald Secor Couzens, suggest these Penis Hardness factor Seft-Test in 3 steps.

    Step 1# cusine Test - What you eat impacts how well you achieve in bed.

    What you shall do in this sexual cusine test are :

    1. Cut back on part size. Eat 10% less each meals or about 500 fat a day ( 3 days in a row ).

    2. Cut fatty foods and top saturated fat like egg yolks, butter, cream, fatty red meats, and coconut oils.

    3. Eat nine serving of fruits and vegetables each day to lower your cholesterol level.
    4. Drink black or green tea

    5. Eat Spicy food

    Step 2# Sexual Supplements

    Take these supplement :

    1. Phycnogenol to enhance blood flow to heart and penis

    2. L-arginine to increase nitric oxide output which means best blood flow to your body and specially to your penis

    3. Take 3 grams of fish-oil for vascular withhold and protection.

    4. Opcs ( Oligomeric proanthocyanidins ) to enhance the operation of vitamin C and E for improved blood flow

    5. Horny goat weed

    Step 3# Sexual Fitness

    The best way to enhance your erection hardness, whet sexual appetite, boost self-esteem, and increase sexual operation is straight through quarterly physical activity. Below are exercises you could do to increase your physical fitness especially muscle complicated in your love development activities.

    1. Add more 5,000 steps to your daily hoofing

    2. Add pushups, ab curls, and squats which expand your shoulder, chest, buttock and legs which are needed in your love making

    3. Do cobra yoga move to relax your lower back, abdomen, hip and neck

    4. Do stretching everyday

    5. Do lunge

    When you unblemished this program, you will authentically feel different. You will achieve measurable changes in flexibility, strength, and hardness. Hardness is a lifestyle, not 96 hours' worth of quick changes. The idea is to feel good about yourself emotionally and physically always. It's a lifestyle decision.

    Adapted from The Hardness Factor: How to achieve Your Best health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age, by Steven Lamm, M.D., with Gerald Secor Couzens, (c) 2005 HarperCollins.

    Wednesday, January 18, 2012

    Entrepreneurial development in Nigeria

    While these statistics bide well for the country's economic prospects, they also serve to reaffirm the vital importance of entrepreneurial development in achieving that potential.

    Past Entrepreneurship Developments

    People of the Ibo community in Nigeria are carefully one of the oldest entrepreneurs in history, their expertise stretching back to times before contemporary currency and trade models had developed elsewhere on the planet. In the more recent past, Nigerians adapted their natural talents to evolve primary businesses and crafts that have sustained most of the country's rural and urban poor for the best part of the last half century. While the oil boom of the '70s brought in billions of petrodollars, most of the country's citizen remained untouched by the new-found prosperity, thanks to overall political corruption and catastrophic economic mismanagement. Because of these and other factors, the World Bank estimates that 80% of oil revenues benefited just 1% of the population.

    Most of Nigeria's current woes trace back to a historic overdependence on oil to the negligence of all other sectors, including primary trades and agriculture. Decades of non-inclusive policies alienated the vast majority of Nigerians, plunging the country into a miasma of greatest poverty and ravaging civil and political strife. The atmosphere of economic stagnation spawned a great informal economy that continues to support the bulk of Nigeria's 148 million people. It is a quantum of Nigeria's possible entrepreneurial capacity that this informal, unorganised sector presently accounts for 65% of Gross National product and accounts for 90% of all new jobs.

    All these factors have great relevance for Nigeria's hereafter prospects, even more so inspecting the extent of legal neglect and lack of aid and infrastructure that the country's indigenous entrepreneurs have had to overcome. Harnessing the informal economy and leveraging its full possible is a prerequisite for Nigeria to emerge from the shackles of its Third World legacy.

    The hereafter of Entrepreneurial development in Nigeria

    It is not as if Nigeria's hopes of economic superiority rest on personel optimism and enterprise alone. Right after the reinstatement of democracy in 1999, the government of former president O Obsanjo unveiled ambitious plans to take the sub-Saharan nation to the top 20 world economies by 2020. Abuja is also a signatory to the Un Millennial proclamation of 2000 for the achievement of universal basic human possession - relating to health, education, security and protection - in a time bound manner by 2015. Both objectives gift great challenges for Nigeria in terms of reversing past trends and evolving innovative strategy for sustainable and inclusive growth.

    The primary focus of Obasanjo's policies centred on accelerated development through entrepreneurial study (which he made mandatory for college students of all disciplines) and the creation of conditions favourable to a new enterprise regime built on innovation and adaptability. The federal government has since initiated successive programmes aimed at promoting enterprises through overall use of technology and socially relevant enterprise models. The extent of success of these and other measures, however, is still a matter of debate.

    According to the 2007 Gallup poll, 69% of respondents planning new businesses had no intention of registering their operations, indicating they would still prefer to be part of the informal economy. In light of Nigeria's long-term goals, this is easily bad news.

    Obstacles to enterprise Development

    Disinterest in the formal economy reflects the status of Nigeria's policies and tax regime, which have long been deemed detrimental to the increase of viable enterprises. Even more disturbing is the fact that this continues to be the case despite the energetic reforms process initiated after the return of democracy. It is more than obvious that piecemeal measures are unequal to meeting the challenges that Nigeria has set itself up to.

    The following are the most leading obstacles facing rapid entrepreneurial development:

    o Absence of a pro-active regulatory environment that encourages innovative enterprise development at the grassroots level.
    o valuable infrastructural deficits (especially with regards to roads and electricity) and systemic irregularities inimical to small businesses.
    o The presence of menagerial and trade barriers that curtail capacity building and inhibit passage to technical support.
    o Absence of regulatory mechanisms for sufficient oversight of enterprise development initiatives, especially those in the Msme space.
    o Poor passage to vocational and skills-development training for rural and urban youths complex in the informal economy.
    o Rampant political and bureaucratic corruption, together with the absence of group consensus on leading macroeconomic policy issues.

    More than 73% of Nigerians featuring in the Gallup search for conceded passage to finance was the single-most leading hurdle in the way to setting up prosperous enterprises. More telling is the fact that about 60% of respondents claimed that current policies, despite the government's focus on enterprise development, do not make it easy to start a enterprise in Nigeria.

    Some additional Factors to Consider

    Forbes Magazine recently sat down with Lagos enterprise School's Peter Bamkole to discuss the current obstacles facing aspiring Nigerian entrepreneurs. The interview outlines three major problems:

    * Constrained passage to local and international markets that stunt entrepreneurial expansion and proliferation.
    * Severe infrastructure deficits (mainly of power and electricity) that hamstring both new and existing businesses.
    * Inadequate passage to finance and the absence of a reputation policy that addresses the exact needs of enterprises.

    The road to Nigeria's emergence as an economic superpower is muddy and treacherous. More than just optimism, it calls for clever economic manoeuvring that will help turn the country's fortunes around for good.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    Cnc Machinists School

    There are specialty schools available that offer nothing but training for machinists on Cnc machines; however, many times machinists can be trained straight through high school programs, trade schools, vocational schools or community colleges. Cnc machinists can also be trained as an apprentice and straight through on the job training.

    Cnc machinist's schools offer their students training on a collection of different Cnc machines. Not only will the students learn about different machines and how to control them, the basics of Cnc machines will be taught.

    To fully understand how the Cnc machines work, one must understand the type of technology that they are designed upon. The machines work on different axes and these axes is what allows them to be as exact and intricate as some of the Cnc machines can be. Some machines can perform to an accuracy level of 20 millionths and students must understand how this is possible.

    The robotic technology can be difficult to learn and not all people can understand this type of technology and the theory behind it. It is considerable that the educated machinists come from an educational background that is strong, even in the high school level. Mathematics is a strong part of the theory that is linked with the Cnc machines. Subjects like geometry and decimals are very foremost with this technology.

    Students will also learn how the software programs work in relation to the Cnc machines themselves. The computer software schedule is what tells the engine what to do and if it is written wrong, the final product will not be what is desired. One must understand the language of the code that the schedule should be written in, how to write the code to tell the different axes what to do and so on. Student's will be explained this process because as an operator, they may be required to fix "glitches" in the code and get the engine back up and running like it should.

    Students will also learn how to assistance the machines. Permissible maintenance is a definite required aspect with the Cnc machines. Failure to articulate these machines properly will influence their precision and accuracy levels. New machines will ordinarily come with assistance contracts; however, daily maintenance and upkeep will still be required.

    There is so much to learn about these machines. There is such a collection of the Cnc machines that studying how to run each and every one may be impossible; however, the basics are the same with every one of them. Students will learn the basics to help get them started in the industry. Most of the time, one will start out as an entry level operator and straight through time and experience, they will gently work their way up to the more experienced operator levels and with this comes more responsibility.

    To find a Cnc machinist school, perform a crusade on the internet or contact your local college and the guidance counselors will probably be able to help you locate the one that is right for you.

    Origin And amelioration Of advice And Counseling custom In Tanzanian Schools

    1.0. Overview

    1.1. Background and History of guidance and Counseling in general in School convention and other setting

    The history of school counseling formally started at the turn of the twentieth century, although a case can be made for tracing the foundations of counseling and guidance law to ancient Greece and Rome with the philosophical teachings of Plato and Aristotle. There is also evidence to argue that some of the techniques and skills of modern-day guidance counselors were practiced by Catholic priests in the middle ages, as can be seen by the dedication to the conception of confidentiality within the confessional. Near the end of the sixteenth century, one of the first texts about work options appeared: The Universal Plaza of All the Professions of the World, (1626) written by Tomaso Garzoni quoted in Guez, W. & Allen, J. (2000). Nevertheless, formal guidance programs using specialized textbooks did not start until the turn of the twentieth century.

    Counseling is a conception that has existed for a long time in Tanzania. We have sought straight through the ages to understand ourselves, offer counsel and invent our potential, come to be aware of opportunities and, in general, help ourselves in ways linked with formal guidance practice. In most communities, there has been, and there still is, a deeply embedded conviction that, under permissible conditions, habitancy can help others with their problems. Some habitancy help others find ways of dealing with, solving, or transcending problems as Nwoye, (2009) prescribed in his writings. In schools, presently if the collaboration between teachers and students is good, students learn in a practical way. Young habitancy invent degrees of leisure in their lives as they come to be aware of options and take advantage of them. At its best, helping should enable habitancy to throw off chains and manage life situations effectively. Unprecedented economic and communal changes have, over the years, changed the ways in which we manage our lives. Consequently, not all the lessons of the past can effectively deal with the challenges of modern times. Sufficient counseling, especially in institutions of learning has now come to be important. Boys and girls, and young men and women, need to be guided in the relationships between condition and the environment, earning skills, knowledge, and attitudes that lead to success and failure in life. The need for counseling has come to be supreme in order to promote the well-being of the child. Sufficient guidance and counseling should help to enhance the self-image of young habitancy and facilitate achievement in life tasks. Counseling should empower girls and boys to partake fully in, and advantage from, the economic and communal improvement of the nation.

    2.0. Definitions of Concepts

    2.1. Guidance

    Guidance is an act of showing the way for some people, like adolescents, who cannot find the right path. It is directing, pointing, foremost and accompanying. guidance is saying "Yes" to man who is asking for help. It is saying "Yes" to an invitation of man who wants a temporary companion along life's way.

    Guidance is giving directions to the lonely, confused, unloved, the suffering, the sick and the lost. It is pointing to some possibilities of thinking, feeling and acting. It is foremost the man psychologically, emotionally and even spiritually to some newer ways of meaningful living. It is along those who are fearful and uncertain, those who need man along the rugged path of life's journey.

    From an objective point of view, guidance is part and parcel of the counseling profession. It is called directive counseling. High school and even college students need guidance when they are unsure of what choices to make or what directions to take. The guidance counselor "opens up" a world of choices for these persons for them to pick from. It is like presenting the universe when all that a man sees is the lonely planet earth. The guidance counselor enlarges and widens the horizon of habitancy who sees only a narrow path or a concealed view of that path. Thus, the focus is on possibilities and choices.

    Usually, guidance occurs in schools. High school and college students avail of guidance and counseling services in their school. More often, young habitancy are unsure of what to do, how to react or respond, and how to act in inescapable choices. When this occurs, they need man older, wiser and more experienced to show them the way, to guide them. This is the role of the guidance counselor to increase aid when requisite to those who are confused, uncertain, and needing advice. However, some adults may need guidance too.

    2.2. Counseling:

    Counseling is guiding and more. It is a way of medical hurts. It is both a science and an art. It is a science because to offer counsel, guidance or assistance, the counselor must have the knowledge of the basic law and techniques of counseling. The counselor must be able to use any of these basic law and techniques as paradigms in order for him to counsel well. However, it is not sufficient to use know these basic law and techniques. The other foremost aspect is for the counselor to know how to counsel-the art of counseling. This aspect considers counseling as a relationship, as a sharing of life, in the hope that the man who is hurting will be healed. As a relationship, counseling involves the physical, emotional, and psychical or spiritual dimensions. The counselor must have the ability to review to the counselee in an suitable corporeal manner without being too intimate or too close for comfort or being too distant or aloof. The emotional size in counseling includes empathy, sensitivity and the ability to elucidate non-verbal clues of the counselee in order to understand unresolved complexes or pent-up feelings. The psychical or spiritual size embraces the counselee's "soul-content"---what lies inside. This is what is called the interiority of the person. The counselor must have the gift or grace of catching a glimpse of the interior world of the person, particularly his spiritual condition, for this is very foremost in medical the person's hurts.

    2.3. Other Definitions of the Concepts

    Biswalo (1996) defines guidance as a term used to denote the process of helping an personel to gain self understanding and self direction (self decision-making) so that he can adjust maximally to his home, school or society environment. This process, however, depends on counseling. He also defines counseling as a process of helping an personel to accept and use information and guidance so that he can either solve his present qoute or cope with it successfully. He goes additional remarking that sometimes the process helps the personel to accept unchangeable situation for example, loss of dearly loved ones and to some extent turn it in its favour rather than letting himself be overcome by the situation. Guez and Allen (2000) glimpse that it is difficult to think of a singular definition of counseling. This is because definitions of counseling depend on theoretical orientation. Counseling is a learning-oriented process, which occurs commonly in an interactive relationship, with the aim of helping a man learn more about the self, and to use such understanding to enable the man to come to be an Sufficient member of society. Counseling is a process by means of which the helper expresses care and concern towards the man with a problem, and facilitates that person's personal growth and brings about turn straight through self-knowledge. Counseling is a connection between a implicated man and a man with a need. This connection is commonly person-to-person, although sometimes it may involve more than two people. It is designed to help habitancy to understand and elucidate their views, and learn how to reach their self-determined goals straight through meaningful, well-informed choices, and straight through the resolution of emotional or interpersonal problems. It can be seen from these definitions that counseling can have dissimilar meanings.

    3.0. Origin of guidance and Counseling convention in Pre-Colonial Era

    Counseling in Tanzania in dissimilar forms and with dissimilar interpretations, has existed in societies for a long time before colonial era. The differences and contradictions in present-day, have their origin in the communal and historical soldiery that have shaped modern culture. In Tanzania habitancy in all societies, and at all times, have experienced emotional or psychological distress and behavioural problems. In each culture, there have been well established ways and methods of helping individuals with their problems. However, there are no sufficient written sources about the origin of guidance and counseling convention in Tanzanian schools. But like other places before colonial era there were excellent unique elements which held the societies together in their livelihood. The elements include the extended family system, including the clan and the tribe, chieftaincy, taboos, assorted forms of initiation and close links with ancestors and elders.

    The village is the focal point of society. While each one of these elements is important, only a few are used to elucidate the role of guidance and counseling in present-day Tanzanian societies. Basically, original chiefs had multiple roles which included serving as a stamp of authority and as a regulator. Since these roles were suitable and respected by all, there was a clear direction in the day-to-day affairs of society. The elders, the chief included, were a requisite source of guidance and counseling for boys and girls. In most cases, the chiefs were regarded as a vital link between ancestors and the present generation. This link was strengthened by the rituals, ceremonies and taboos attached to them. It was easy to guide and counsel the young, since the rituals or ceremonies were also aimed at preparing for adult roles in society. The extended family, the clan, and the village, made society supportive. No personel regarded him/herself as alien. Counseling was facilely sought and provided. The forms of guidance and counseling involved were given guidance and sharing wisdom.

    4.0. The Developments of guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools

    4.1. guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools Trends

    In realizing this perhaps, since we are reasoning of the concepts in school setting, we should think the meaning of counseling in education discipline. One could think that the definitions given above on the term guidance and counseling, their meaning can be directed to education grounds and now give the meaning correctly. Guez and Allen (2000) pointed out that a term educational counseling was first coined by Truman Kelley in 1914 in Makinde, (1988), educational counseling is a process of rendering services to pupils who need aid in manufacture decisions about foremost aspects of their education, such as the choice of courses and studies, decisions regarding interests and ability, and choices of college and high school. Educational counseling increases a pupil's knowledge of educational opportunities.

    The ever growing complexity of society in Tanzania, coupled with communal problems like Hiv/Aids and the rapid improvement of science and technology, place heavy demands on education. The school, as an foremost communal institution, was required to adapt quickly to changing patterns, and help get ready citizens for tomorrow's challenges. That is where guidance and counseling in the educational law should help boys and girls alike, to invent their capacities to the full. These include intellectual, social, corporeal and moral capacities. This help is of the most foremost in Tanzania as long as the history and age of education provision and in its systems found today.

    Guidance and counseling practices improvement in Tanzanian schools can be traced back from the time when vocational education was emerging right at the colonial period. In the process of establishing counseling services in Tanzania, there was a need to first understand the fundamental factors that work on people's beliefs and perceptions about such practices. However, this is conception that was not taken in to consideration at the time and it may be up to up-to-date time. It is especially foremost to understand the economic, socio-political, religious beliefs, customs and traditions, and cultural changes that are present in dissimilar regions of the country. Young habitancy should be understood within this context, but also within the paradoxical situation of having to face the original and the modern world, but this is a big challenge to Tanzania and many developing African countries. While colonial period there were some form of vocational guidance under the work guidance and it was administered by work masters. But the work masters who were excellent by the head of schools had no pro training in vocational guidance. In fact the duty was minute to helping students fill out employment forms and writing letters of application. In the missionary schools vocational guidance was confined to religious services. The teachers who were commonly 'fathers', pastors, or reverends guided and trained spiritually inclined youths to come to be sisters, brothers, fathers and pastors upon their completion of formal education.

    Apart of what could be done in schools in Tanzania, guidance and counseling was more or less a inexpressive family affair. Parents and relatives counseled their children on all matters of life management and qoute solving. It is true that in many families the duty of general guidance was the original duty of senior members of the family, father, mother, uncle, aunt, and grandparents. In case of serious personal or family problems, counseling was done by a specially organized by the society as a competent in handling that exact problem. This is done without any knowledge obtained from formal or informal school law but rather straight through touch and age wise straight through collected wisdom. This kind of early form of counseling from school setting and society helped the young to be brought into the bright image of living in the future to the society.

    4.2. guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools in Post-colonial era

    In any literatures and sources, guidance and counseling in education sector in Tanzania and some other African countries is regarded as the youngest discipline. This is evidenced by First International argument on Guidance, Counseling and Youth improvement in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya from 22nd to 26th April, 2002 which pointed out that the Guidance, Counseling and Youth improvement Programme was initiated in Africa in April 1994, following the First Pan African argument on the education of Girls that was held in Ouagadougou in 1993. It is designed to introduce or progress guidance and counseling in African countries. It focuses on capacity construction in the countries involved and provides training at both regional and national levels on issues of guidance and counseling of schools and colleges.

    What we can call pro guidance and counseling in Tanzania schools begin in the year 1984 following the National October 1984 Arusha Conference, where guidance and counseling services were endorsed by the government as and integral part of the country's education law (Biswalo, 1996). The aim of the argument is to invent systematic criteria for secondary schools students' guidance and counseling. Students were then advised, guided and counseled on matters regarding their job choice and trainee placement for additional education. This job was assigned to work masters and mistresses as explained below, however, there were no sufficient guidance and counseling personnel not only in the responsible ministry but also in the schools.

    Guidance and Counseling is now becoming gradually institutionalized and spread in educational institutions. Schools, for example, have to a large extent taken over the task of providing psychological withhold to boys and girls. However Biswalo (1996) comments that in Tanzania policies pertinent to guidance and counseling is still lacking. The Ministry of Education, however, has somehow tried to institutionalize the services within the education law by appointing work masters and mistresses. He prolonged saying that the personnel are charged with the responsibility of advising heads of secondary schools regarding students job choice and trainee placement for additional education; to try and help students understands and invent interest in suitable jobs or additional education or training; to asses the students talents and capabilities and to encourage them to pursue careers or additional education best great to them and to help students solve their personal problems which may work on their general progress in school.

    This is an impossible and realistic burden on these untrained personnel. It reflects the apathy of procedure and decision makers regarding the new field of guidance and counseling in schools; the impel of the myth of planned manpower in which work guidance is erroneously regarded as redundant and the gross lack of trained personnel who would contribute Sufficient guidance and counseling services in schools. It is unfortunate that even after the National October 1984 Arusha argument on the strengthening of education in Tanzania, where guidance and counseling services were endorsed by the government as and integral part of the country's education system, the services are to-date still patchy and ineffective in Tanzania's educational institutions. guidance and counseling in this manner is discussed by dissimilar scholars in primary, secondary and tertiary education levels together.

    5.0. guidance and Counseling Practices in original and Secondary Schools

    In original school levels in Tanzania in actual fact there were and are no specified pupils' teacher-counselors. However, the operation is left to teachers themselves to decree what is to be done since there is no programmed or time-tabled operation regarding guidance and counseling. Teachers are left to use part of the teaching to convention guidance and counseling in and surface the classroom although not all teachers have gone teacher-counselor training. As children enter school they need orientation on school itself, its environment, school society and the curriculum to motivate and invent inescapable attitude toward learning and school society as well (Biswalo, 1996). As the pupils grow older and pass straight through dissimilar grades they need to be directed in learning skills, overcome learning difficulties and other school linked problems. But this operation is not performed systematically in original schools in Tanzania.

    In the case of secondary schools till to-date there is also insufficient programmed or time-tabled law of guiding and counseling students. In some cases this duty is left to discipline masters and sometimes to class masters and head of schools. At secondary school level, students would seek educational opportunities, information of all kinds and any other help pertinent to educational pursuits. These needs are catered to by educational guidance and counseling (ibid). At this level students are helped with subject choice, study techniques and tests and examination. Biswalo (1996) pointed out that sometimes While subject choice, pride of placing as many students as inherent in prestigious streams, such as science, takes precedence over actual abilities, interests and aptitudes of students. He said this unfortunate situation has been born out of the lack of genuine educational guidance and counseling services in secondary schools.

    The school has an foremost role to play in preparing pupils for prolonged secondary education, paid employment, self-employment and life in the community, as clearly set out by the Ministry of education in the objectives for its secondary curriculum. Perhaps uniquely, there would be total business agreement among pupils, teachers and parents over the relative emphasis a inescapable schools located on the preparing for additional education, with its focus on scholastic knowledge and the pursuance of success in the national examinations. That is, the secondary schools where counseling is not well performed located minute emphasis on citizenship and the improvement of a responsible attitude to life in the society at the local, regional or national level and employment opportunities. However, what is de-emphasized is the informal sector including self-employment but the emphasized is employment in the formal sector with its implied emphasis on white collar jobs.

    5.1. Vocational, work guidance and Counseling

    In Tanzania teachers have the capacity to directly work on their pupils' choice of careers. The achievements and attitudes of pupils have been shown to be linked to the characteristics and achievements of their teachers (World Bank, 1995; quoted in Nyutu, P.N. & Norman C.G. 2008). However, the work on of the school depends on the formal interactions and transportation which take place between teachers and pupils in the classroom whereas television and radio, act straight through the informal interactions pupils have with these media. The work on of parents and siblings is straight through both formal and informal means.

    That is in most cases in Tanzania and may be other states where guidance and counseling is rarely done in schools; parents play the big role to work on on their children's choice of careers. Others who have lower level careers i.e. Teachers, clerks, drivers, personal secretaries, soldiers etc. Do not anticipate their children 'following in their footsteps' because for the children who are able to study to higher level sometimes saw these jobs as narrow and lacking in interest. However it is suggested that parents' work might have influenced their children's choice of careers, but this happened to children who have generic skills beneficial in such jobs, and a few may have job skills relevant to those jobs. Passage to information straight through the media and other forms of technology is giving young habitancy aspirations that, for the most part, cannot be satisfied in their own environment. Choices have to be made and young habitancy must gain the skills to correlate situations and make informed decisions. There is no longer a natural, understandable order from birth to adulthood for the Tanzanian young.

    Vocational guidance at secondary school levels is provided but in very few among others because of shortages of school or vocational trained counselors. For those lucky schools with these kinds of counselors, students are helped but vocational counseling is not emphasized because most pupils, teachers and of procedure parents push students to make long range plans of study so that to get ready well for the envisaged careers. These counselors plan with school administrators and teachers to contribute suitable class placement for students with extra abilities or disabilities for procedure choice by students.

    5.2. Tertiary Level

    The tertiary level students are provided with orientation and other educational guidance and counseling. In Tanzania tertiary level have at least fulfilled the need of having great students' counselors for both psychological and academics, though they are few in number. Here counselors play a big role in compiling full, information on all aspects of the careers linked to the training offered in the institution. Counselors sometimes concentrate with management or practicum group to invent field practices for students and even more rarely might contacts with relevant employing agencies (Biswalo, 1996).
    6.0. conception on guidance and Counseling in Tanzania

    According to the investigate by Sima (2004), pro counseling is yet to be recognized as a stand-alone profession in Tanzania and in many African countries. Nevertheless, the arrival and setting of Hiv/Aids in the country has strengthened the base for counseling. This is particularly because of the multifaceted nature of the Hiv/Aids pandemic whose attention, unlike other human diseases, goes beyond the prerogatives of the medical profession. Thus, counseling is perceived as a crucial avenue for prevention of Hiv infection straight through provision of sufficient and relevant information, and for communal and psychological withhold of habitancy infected and affected by the pandemic. Ibid prolonged saying that since the emergence of the pandemic in the country, a amount of non-governmental organizations have been gift counseling services however, there is lack of clarity on the type and nature of counseling services offered by these organization. The nature and characteristics of counseling clients also remain fuzzy.

    In Tanzania the pro counseling as aforesaid is relatively a new phenomenon. Outwater (1995) quoted in Sima (2004) comments that before Hiv/Aids epidemic, there was no formal counseling assistance in Tanzanian hospitals, no pro counselors and no formal law for training counselors. There was a need to fill this gap by training as many counselors as inherent to contribute optimal care for Aids patients and their relatives (Nacp, 1989; quoted in ibid). Since then many para-professional counselors have been trained in basic knowledge and skills of counseling. Currently there are many counseling centers working not only on Hiv/Aids linked problems but also dissimilar problems affecting Tanzanians. However, as counseling became favorite with the arrival of Hiv/Aids, many habitancy assume that it is only meant for habitancy infected and affected by Hiv/Aids and shy away from it for fear of being labeled (Sima, 2002; quoted in Sima 2004).

    7.0. Problems and Challenges

    The Tanzanian government have not yet formulated in the education procedure issues pertaining guidance and counseling in spite of the crucially and necessity in schools. Biswalo (1996) pointed out that in Tanzania policies pertinent to guidance and counseling is still lacking. He prolonged saying that efforts directed towards fulfilling guidance and counseling needs are apparently thwarted by any difficulties including financial resources to withhold the even established tiny counseling activities in any schools.

    In Tanzania till today counseling is relatively new phenomenon. There are no sufficient great counselors in schools and other education institutions. However, there are minute amount of great counselors, they are either not utilized well in schools or they are engaged in other activities rather than what they are trained for. Some of school counselors are also teachers and they are fully busy with teaching responsibilities. More surprisingly counseling is perceived as a crucial avenue for only prevention of Hiv infection straight through provision of sufficient and relevant information, and for communal and psychological withhold of habitancy infected and affected by the Hiv/Aids (Sima, 2004).

    There is slow growth of guidance and counseling in educational systems attributed to lack of funds, training facilities, and high turnover of guidance counselors to green pastures and in adequately trained counselors. For instance in many schools they lack counseling offices, trained teacher-counselors and counseling equipments. In terms of funds there are assorted options that can be explored to alleviate financial constraints. extra schools on behalf of parents in need can approach non-governmental organizations.

    The absence of solid pro counseling connection in Tanzania to set standards for the suitable convention is an additional one challenge (Nwoye, 2008). Also insufficient availability of pro counselor training programs in Tanzanian colleges and universities is an additional one contributing challenge.

    There are no efforts to invent counseling curriculum in secondary schools and colleges and guidance and counseling courses in the universities. guidance curriculum and responsive services can then be structured to address the five content areas, namely human relationships, work development, communal values, self development, and learning skills. A guidance curriculum could be taught to students at dissimilar levels or in small groups to address issues that are similar to them. For guidance and counseling programs to be Sufficient in Tanzania, trained professionals should be employed to manage and offer services in schools. Such professionals should also be provided with relevant facilities and structural support. At the same time, universities and instructor training institutions will have to invent and invent programs that train pro school counselors and other guidance personnel.

    There is still insufficient aid in higher education institutions to enable students achieves their work aspirations. However, students today indicate a higher need for work guidance than students in the past decade. Students may therefore be encountering an increased need to gain relevant work information that will enable them seek great paid jobs. Many schools have in the past appointed some teachers as work masters without providing them with the requisite training and facilities for work guidance. Such work masters commonly assume that all students will end up in universities and only focus on helping students perfect university application forms and no more. It is the high time for the government to set and implement the procedure that will enhance guidance and counseling from original schools to the tertiary level and in turn will invent programs that train pro school counselors and other guidance personnel.

    8.0. Conclusion

    Guidance and counseling sought to get ready pupils in their education schedule to enter into the world of suitable work by linking the school curriculum to employment. For the school to be victorious in this endeavor, subjects should be taught at a pleasant and convenient environment and should be made relevant and bright to the pupils. an additional one factor that needs to be considered is the recruitment of competent teachers capable of guiding and counseling learners in relating what they teach to the job market. What is taught and how it is taught can have great work on on the interest and perception of learners. In Tanzania the spirit to plan and use guidance and counseling services in the Sufficient improvement and utilization of their respective young human resources is evidently strong. However, as Biswalo (1996) said the efforts directed towards fulfilling this need are apparently thwarted by any difficulties. It appears total and enlightened commitment on the part of procedure and decision makers is requisite and should be without fail surmount the problems.

    The emergence of work improvement in western countries as a invent suggests that it may be an requisite area in developing country like Tanzania where students need assistance; students particularly need aid in selecting colleges and courses. To this end, the schools should offer a work guidance and counseling programme under the able leadership of great school counselors.

    Adults Returning to instruction

    Education is considerable for every human being. We cannot survive in this world without education. It is in the best interest of the governments of every nation to ensure that at least basic instruction is in case,granted to all their citizens.

    There are some socio-economic reasons that lead many people to stop their studies when they are young. Most of them may have had burning desires to continue their instruction further, but their commitments to their families or their economic status may have been a hindrance to their lasting their studies.

    Many of these adults who were dropouts from the schools in their childhood yearn to continue their instruction at a later and more favorable time. This has lead to the development of some adult instruction programs worldwide. These adult instruction programs come as a boon to those adults finding to unblemished what instruction they've left incomplete.

    When the government started these adult instruction programs, initially there was not a lot of response to such programs from most people. They were very reluctant to join such programs.

    Though many of them wanted to make an attempt, they were not sure either they could pick up their educational threads at that age. The governments had to take a lot of steps to encourage people to join.

    There is a saying that is very popular, and can apply to many different situations: "better late than never." Many adults have realized the importance and necessity of instruction and have come forward to enroll themselves in the many adult instruction programs available. They think it a privilege to be able to educate themselves, even at an developed stage of their lives.

    These educational programs are organized by both government as well as voluntary institutions. Adult instruction programs not only provide basic education, they also guide their students towards higher education. These programs arrange financial aid and scholarships for students.

    Adults can pursue their careers and enroll themselves in these programs simultaneously. This is made inherent with the availability of online programs.

    The people are in case,granted with coursework that deals with politics, spirituality, self development, and other things. Adults ordinarily tend to find these programs useful and interesting. They ordinarily end up urging their relatives and friends to join these programs.

    Monday, January 16, 2012

    Attitude In The Workplace: How Your Work Attitude Can Define You

    Your attitude in the workplace can be one of the most - if not the most - telling aspect of how others in the firm look at you and feel about you as a coworker.

    A first impression can be a hard thing to shake especially if it's a bad one. In other words, once you have gotten a workplace credit as being lazy, a slacker, a whiner or other negative tag, it can be hard to get rid of.

    Think of someone you've worked with who perhaps didn't work as hard as you staggering them to and then think about how you felt about every time you had to work with them.

    Perception is often reality and once population get an idea in their head about someone or something, it can be difficult to get them to think differently.

    In my experience, your attitude in the workplace can sometimes define you more than the work you actually furnish if your coworkers come to see you as someone who is reliable, competent, moving and someone that they can rely on.

    One of the worst feelings can be to work with population who don't seem to care and don't appear to pull their own weight.

    When I think about population I've worked with who I've seen in a clear light, they tend to be population who outwardly display a clear attitude in the workplace.

    They tend to take the initiative and are reliable. They are someone that you look forward to working with. They don't complain or bad mouth their firm or coworkers and basically get on with the job at hand. They don't stroll colse to bothering other population because they aren't doing their own job.

    Basically, they are population who would be missed if they left the company.

    Having at one time worked for a firm that ordinarily laid off staff, I can tell you that the population who were let go first were often those who were ordinarily regarded as being staff who didn't display these clear traits and therefore weren't seen as being employees who needed to remain employed.

    Nursing Assistant - The Role and Expectations

    Anyone who decides to be a nursing aid has put themselves in a position where they work hard and they don't get paid sufficient for it most of the time. Yet many citizen pick to become a nursing assistant anyway because they get fullness of delight from assisting those in need. Of course you do get those nursing assistants from time to time who are more focused on having a good image from their job or they are on the prowl for rich young doctors.

    It takes a very extra kind of person to be an effective nursing assistant. They often work hard without getting the recognition they deserve for it. Yet they continue to do the work because they know it makes a considerable dissimilarity in the life of the person they are helping. Most nursing assistant training programs work hard to ensure that those enrolled in it are aware of what they are getting themselves into.

    Many nursing assistants due get burned out from the job though or they have to find a job that pays more. This results in many condition care facilities having a shortage of excellent nursing assistants. The cycle continues with those who are working there having to cover extra shifts, and as a corollary more nursing assistants seeking employment elsewhere. As a corollary the wait for care is long and the ability of it suffers.

    It is the smart owner who gives a competitive wage to the nursing assistants as they save money in the long run over training new people constantly and paying for overtime. These same employers often identify their nursing assistants for their compassion, skills, and level of care provided. However there is still a long bridge to cross in this area both in the United States and the United Kingdom.

    Sunday, January 15, 2012

    Itec beauty Therapy Exam Papers - Sample Questions

    Itec charm Therapy exam papers consists of 50 manifold option questions and have a pass rate of 60%.

    When you are doing a charm Therapy diploma you will have to take about 6 cut off exam papers depending on how many subjects you are taking. The main subjects covered under Itec charm Therapy are;

    * Skin & Eye Treatments
    * Waxing
    * Make Up
    * Manicure & Pedicure
    * Facial Electrical

    When you are revising for your Itec charm Therapy exams you need to have a set of sample questions similar to those you would find on the Itec exam papers. As the format of the exam is manifold option questions then these would be the best type of questions to use for your revision.

    Some examples are as follows:

    01. Cleansing creams are;
    a) Oil based emulsions
    b) Water in oil emulsions - Answer
    c) Oil in water solutions
    d) Water based emulsions

    02. What part of the hair can be seen above the skin's surface?
    a) Root
    b) Shaft - Answer
    c) Follicle
    d) Bulb

    03. Which type of skin tends to age more quickly?
    a) White - Answer
    b) Asian
    c) Young
    d) Black

    04. Which one of the following is not an consequent of using the negative pole on the skin?
    a) Softens the skin
    b) Stimulates nerve endings
    c) Decreases circulation - Answer
    d) Produces an alkaline reaction

    Your revising plan should be structured and organised. If you write out your plan and hang it on the wall in front of your desk, this will make things more clear. Take a set of manifold option questions daily and learn them over and over again. If you constantly use this method you will be very surprised at how swiftly your knowledge on this subject grows.

    Parents Guide to Writing underground High School Application Essays

    Your teenager's entry into inexpressive high school cannot be taken for granted. With public schools beset with a variety of problems - discipline, poor test results, security - inexpressive high schools offer your child a quality education in a safe environment.

    When you ask an data package from a inexpressive high school, you will recognize that essays and short answer essays are required from both you and your teenager. Your teen, who should be comfortable with answering essay style questions will be asked about his schoraly strengths and weaknesses, his desire to attend the inexpressive school and about his hobbies and extra-curricular activities. Questions directed to parents, however, often have a different focus and are designed with different purposes in mind.

    Usually, the essay questions directed to parents are analytical in nature. Instead of asking for facts, these questions ask you to speak about your teens character, to discuss family dynamics and to gauge your role as a supporter of the inexpressive school. inexpressive high school admittance directors identify that teenagers who are brought up in a stable, education focused home, are much more likely to corollary than their peers who have less sustain at home.

    Similarly, inexpressive school administrators look at your essay answers to decree either you can be counted on to sustain the high school financially or straight through volunteer work. As you might imagine, administrators cannot legally or ethically ask some of these questions but they can draw inferences based on your answers to application questions.

    Analytical Questions

    For example, an entry application query may ask what you believe your child can conduce to the Xyz school. This type of query is indubitably asking you to speak to your child's academic, social, athletic and out-of-school interests. If you have visited the school, reference your visit to show that you have made an exertion to learn more about the school. Your answer should address each of your child's areas of interest and strength. Here is a sample answer to this question:

    During our modern visit to the Xyz School, Tommy pointed out to me the well adequate science lab and asked a estimate of questions about the science curriculum available to students at the school. Tommy has a long standing interest in learning science and he has performed well in elementary school and we believe that he will bring that interest and aptitude to his high school studies. His current teachers note that Tommy commonly asks thoughtful and insightful questions in class. In addition to working hard to accomplish well academically, Tommy will be an willing participant in the school's baseball team and/or its marching band. Tommy keeps a busy schedule while the school year and as a well rounded and serious young man, he will describe the ideals and message of the Xyz School now and in the future.

    Family Stability and Religious Questions

    Other questions will more directly ask you about your time to come participation in school fund raising and other activities. These questions are designed to value the stability of your home life and your time to come financial sustain potential. For example a religious school application might ask about the role your religion plays in your life. A non-religious school might ask why you are considering the Xyz School. Here is a sample answer to this type of question:

    Our family is an active member of Xyz church. We are active members of the public operation committee and every Thanksgiving, our whole family, along with Tommy and his two sisters, volunteer at the Xyz Church gently used clothing center where we help distribute gently used clothes to homeless people. Tommy and his sisters have been greatly impacted by this operation as well as other church connected functions. With a hands-on chance to priest to the less fortunate, Tommy has a personal insight of the message of Xyz religion. We try to reinforce that message at home by attending services commonly and production daily prayer a part of our routine. At the Xyz inexpressive Elementary School, both my husband and I have served on the Board of Directors and we are active participants in the school's Feed the Hungry each year campaign.

    Answers like the ones set out above are designed to send a message to school administrators that both you and your teen are serious, dedicated and stable population who will fit in well with the society that develops within a singular inexpressive school. If you make an exertion to study the type of society that exists within a singular school and you model your entry questionnaire essay to that community, you greatly enhance your child's chances at gaining admission.

    How do You Know If You Have Psychic Ability?

    I am sure many of you reading this article have pondered on this subject. Are some people naturally born with a special gift or is this an acquired skill all of us can learn.

    Let me tell you my story.

    I was raised in a Christian household and had an aptitude for all things mechanical, so much so I became a technician and computer expert. Hardly an ideal back ground for a Clairvoyant! I hated art so much I ended up in detention every week for not completing my art homework, because I hated it and saw myself as the worst artist every to walk planet earth!

    By 1989 I had changed my views somewhat. After several intense Personal improvement Workshops, a divorce, and vocation change, I met a girl who read Tarot Cards. Yes, folks, I married the devil. She is delightful and very caring about al sorts of things. With my technical skills and her intuition and thirst for study we formulated a uncut Tarot Certificate procedure and in 10 weeks I was a certified Tarot reader! Well, I knew the mechanics, but what about the real world. Pretty soon I was telling people about failed relationships, affairs, illnesses and all manner of things. I had no idea what I was doing. I just looked at the cards and thoughts came into my head. Sometimes I spoke a load of garbage.. But then again.

    I remember talking to a consolidate of women about the affair one of them had with the next door neighbor. I described it perfectly and they told me nothing! breathtaking what you can see in a card or two. I incredible (correctly) changes of employment, relationship situations, what was happening with the grand kids. I think I was more amazed than they were!

    Next thing I knew we were doing party bookings and then came the Psychic fairs. On my first full day I did 8 readings, and the Death card came out twice. I went with it. I felt one would survive a heart assault and the other had Hiv. Both were right!! That was real scary. Pretty soon I was reading full time. My article was 22 readings in one day and I often did 16-19. At first it drained me, but with convention I detached myself from the clients, read more accurately, and felt great at the end of the day.

    The full certificate was too long, so I applied my technical skills and accelerated studying techniques to sell out the procedure to one day. We were amazed as our students did great readings in no time.

    One of my best stories was in Wagga Wagga. I red for a young man and then a pretty blond girl. At the end of the reading she told me she had seen me before. I told her she would meet a man in six months and described him in detail. She had opinion I was nuts. Six months to the day she met her soul mate and he was the one I had just red for! Coincidence - I don't think so!!

    My point is, it doesn't matter who you are, or what your background, you can learn anything. It just takes confidence, letting go of the idea you can't and practice. So have a go, get the cards out and do a few readings. You might just have as much fun as I do!

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    preparing for the Ugc Net in English Literature

    The Ugc conducts National Eligibility Test (Net) in assorted subjects of Humanities, together with English, and collective Sciences, for the award of Junior investigate Fellowship (as well as Lectureship) for pursuing Ph. D. level research. The test comprises three session papers. The first paper is of general nature, intended to correlate the investigate (or teaching) aptitude, without excluding reasoning ability, comprehension, and general awareness of the candidates. The second paper consists of short-answer questions based on the field opted by the candidates.

    The third paper contains only illustrated questions. It has four sections. Section I requires candidates to write a critique of a given passage. The questions in section Ii are definitional or seek particular information in short reply form. Section Iii relates to analytical or evaluative questions on the candidate's major specialization / elective , as preferred. Section Iv is based on essay types questions on general themes and contemporary , theoretical , or of disciplinary relevance to test the candidates ' potential to illustrate critically a field with discrimination.

    Seen in this light, the two books under reveal seek to help aspiring candidates prepare for answering objective- type questions in English literature. Manoj Kumar's book is composed to serve as a institution book for the Ugc' s Net and postgraduate students in English, providing "subjective material as well as objective questions" significant for good making ready (Preface).

    The author has divided the 'textbook' into ten units, providing the basic information about British literature from the Age of Chaucer to the contemporary period , American Literature, Indian English literature, Literatures in translation, Literary theory and Criticism, and Rhetoric and Prosody.

    Each unit begins with a brief mention of the author's names and major works that make them notable, followed by objective-type questions (with four options). There is no subjective elaboration, nor is there a uniform pattern in the amount of items (which vary in the middle of 101 to 138 from Unit I to Ix) or their contents. It is at best haphazard.

    In Unit I , for example, Geoffrey Chaucer's name (in bold type), does not show his years of birth and death, but the entry on William Langland shows this. The years of birth and death are not l shown for John Gower, John Barbour, Sir John Mandeville, John Wycliff, Sir Thomas Malory and James I on page 1. Similarly, the publication date for some books are given but for others, it is missing. A uniform pattern should have been followed for each author, from the beginning to the end.

    One also expects to find a short write-up on the general traits or characteristics about each of the ages/ periods alongside the major contributors that form the bulk of the objective-type questions. There should have been a allowable 'match' in the middle of what Manoj Kumar calls "subjective knowledge " of literature and objective questions for adequate institution from Unit I to Vii.

    However, he does write a readable preliminary comment in Unit Viii (on American Literature and Indian English writers) and Unit Ix (an Literary theory and Criticism). The last Unit (on Rhetoric and Prosody), which has only 52 objective items for practising 31 terms is not as well developed as the two preceding units.

    The list of Booker (from 1969 to 2007) and Nobel (from 1901 to 2007) Prize winners at the end is informative but Manoj Kumar should have also provided the names of the prize-winning books in the last three pages.

    The second book, A Key to Literary Forms and Terms, should make up for the short falls in Unit X of Manoj Kumar's textbook. In fact, Sudhir K. Arora claims to have included most of the important literary forms and terms "in capsule form" and provided plenty of multiple-choice institution exercises that should help aspiring candidates accomplish good in the contentious exams for fellowship and / or Lectureship in English literature.

    In the first 29 pages, Arora has alphabetically arranged 117 literary forms and terms with useful references, but no examples. In the section on 'Figures of Speech', Arora has abandoned this arrangement and included terms of rhetoric and prosody in the order it is commonly ready in most books. The examples, however, are helpful.

    In both the books the authors have provided a key to all the objective items to self-help candidates in their preparation. However, Manoj Kumar has also added some 250 'Unsolved' items to ensure that serious candidates of course prepare well.

    Given the gift state of English Literature teaching in the country, books like A Textbook for Objective Questions in English Literature and A Key to Literary Forms and Terms are helpful to aspiring candidates in developing awareness though it is doubtful these help in developing any significant sense and investigate or reasoning ability.


    Professor (Dr) R.K.Singh, Head Dept of Humanities & collective Sciences,.

    Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad 826004, Jharkhand.

    Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

    Parenting Question

    "I'm spiraling out of control with my three-year-old daughter. She won't listen
    to me and I know that the 'naughty bench' isn't working. I'm at a total loss and
    feel like such a failure. I don't want to hit her or use the kind of strong
    verbal yelling that my parents did. What do I do? I want her to understand that
    I'm the boss and when I ask her to do something or obey something, she should do
    it. My father was giving me parenting advice today and I feel so out of control.
    Is this general child behavior for a three-year-old?"--Out-of-Control Mom

    Positive Parenting Tip for Child Behavior for a Three Year Old

    Dear Out-of-Control Mom:

    Firstly, you are Not a failure--just a mom who needs some new tools.

    My guess is that you haven't had many courses on how to deal with three-year-old
    behavior, so be gentle with yourself.

    Many parents ask me what's "normal" when it comes to child behavior for a
    three-year-old. No matter what your child's age, what it comes down to is this:
    how is your child's behavior working for you, and how is it working for them.
    From your question, I sense it just ain't working--period!

    So let's first look at what is going on for your daughter. Children at the
    pre-school stage are developing a whole host of new skills, including: wanting
    more independence (for example, "No, I want to do it by myself!"); asserting
    their wants ("I want that!"); and learning about friendship ("Give that back!").
    One of the best things you can do when parenting a three-year-old is to keep
    your child in attaining these new skills without allowing them to become
    demanding or spoiled. To ensure you don't fall into unhealthy habits that
    promote power struggles, pick to use a firm--but kind--approach and look for
    ways that your child can learn from each situation.

    The more you can allow your three-year-old to do things on her own (and they
    won't be perfect), the less likely she will be to fight you on everything. Look
    for household tasks that she can do at her age and find ways that she can help
    you out. Have her fill the dog bowl, hold the door open for you when you are
    bringing groceries into the house, set the table, etc. The busier you can keep
    her doing unavoidable behaviors, the less chance she will move towards negative

    Be warned: even if you take this approach, your daughter is still going to test
    you. Below are six straightforward steps for dealing with three-year-olds when they just won't

    1. Let Go of Timeouts - Timeouts can work for some children (but there
    are far best techniques). Ultimately, the only someone we can control is
    ourselves. If timeouts are not working (that is, your child refuses to go to the
    "naughty bench", stay on the "naughty bench", or tells you they make their own
    rules and have moved the "naughty bench"), look for other ways to inspire them
    to want to be well-behaved (as recommend in the following five steps).

    2. Fire Yourself as Boss of the Household! - Many parents buy into the
    belief that mom should be the boss of the household and be in control. Yet, we
    must remember that we are modeling for our children how to act every single
    minute of the day. Our kids learn more from what we do than from what we say. If
    they see us pulling rank as "boss", they will endeavor to be "boss" too.
    Unfortunately, when this happens, they may outrank us and the real power
    struggles will begin!

    3. Provide Flexibility with Boundaries - Instead of boss, see yourself as
    your child's coach or guide, responsible for providing them with experiences to
    learn from and allowing them to perceive the consequences of their actions.
    Give clear guidelines, but also give them flexibility too. For example, "Your
    toys need to be cleaned up before we go to Grandma's. Do you want to clean them
    up now, or in 5 minutes from now?" If they still don't clean up, then you might
    not go to Grandma's that day. Children need to know what the rules are and, more
    importantly, they need to know you will follow-through with the rules. Once you
    become consistent with your behavior, your children will learn to trust what you
    say and will enhance their behavior accordingly.

    4. Stay Firm (but Kind) - If they fight, you follow-through. Do this
    without yelling, scolding or punishing. Don't buy into their tears, and
    definitely don't get into a debate. Stay firm, but stay kind. Tell them that
    when they want a hug, to come find you. I know retention your cool is easier said
    than done. For more on this, check out the "Mom's Time-Out" section (page
    111-114) of When You're About To Go Off The Deep End, Don't Take Your Kids
    With You.

    5. Use Consequences That impart to Their Behavior - Punishment teaches
    our kids to feel bad, but rarely teaches them how to "do good". If you are
    encountering the same misbehaviors over and over again, your child is clearly
    not learning from their mistakes. To facilitate learning, make unavoidable any
    consequences used are directly linked to the misbehavior. For example, when
    your child is rough with the computer, computer time is over; when your child is
    splashing water out of the tub, bath time is over; or when your child is goofing
    off with their food, dinner is over. Again, do these quickly, but kindly.

    6. Thank and Appreciate Your Child for What They Do - Children want to
    please and they want to know that their contributions make a difference.
    Remember to tell them so--and often.

    Learning how to motivate our children to want to be well-behaved takes time and
    practice. Yet, taking the time now to learn these tools can save you years of
    heartache and frustration. Keep reading, keep practicing, and keep empowering
    that three-year-old of yours: then watch their behavior change for the better!